Competency Frameworks
JRK consultants are specialists in Human Resources. One of the areas we provide Consultancy expertise in is the creation of competency Frameworks. With an effective Competency Framework in place an organisation can use this knowledge to achieve:
- Better Recruitment and Selection of new staff - by developing a systematic process based on a good identification of the skills and abilities required to do the job. Recruiters can use this to recruit against - using competency based questions and a fair assessment method.
- Clearer Performance management by being able to set the standard required in the job and measure job holders against the requirements of the job.
- Talent and succession management. Staff have a clearer idea of what the skill set is of other jobs in the organisation.
- Discipline and inefficiency is managed better because employees can be measured against the competencies required for the job.
Creating Frameworks (click to Expand/Collapse)
JRK consultants are experts at helping organisations create a Competency Framework that meets the needs of their business. We have a method that starts with helping you clarify your core values. Then we record the key Transferable competencies. The competencies that apply across all jobs. Lastly we can help you identify and describe the additional Job or Role based competencies that will be common to related jobs. We work with you, at your pace giving guidance to the business leaders as to the process.
What we are seeing is that Competency Frameworks are not just for the large multinationals but can help small businesses be more efficient and effective.
To find out more about our unique approach to this
new strategy
Call : 0044 1372 457134
Performance Management (click to Expand/Collapse)
At JRK consultants we have many years experience of
running workshops on how to make the most of Performance Management
and Appraisal.
There are four stages to our approach:
- Setting clear objectives and agreeing them.
- Monitoring success against the objectives - motivating supporting and Coaching appraisees.
- Assessing performance (against clear competencies or criteria and identifying training needs.
- Relating performance to reward and how to give Motivational and Formative feedback.
We design and deliver workshops to train mangers as well as workshops to allow staff to make the best use of the Appraisal system. We can also provide consultancy on how to establish a Competency based performance management system.
To find out more about Performance Management and to
book sessions
Call : 0044 1372 457134
Competency based Recruitment and Selection training (click to Expand/Collapse)
We have developed a fantastically popular and successful two day workshop on Competency based Recruitment and Selection training. The two day workshop is designed to allow recruiters to work with Competencies and design their own assessment criteria, and set questions. We use students as real 'interviewees' to make the simulation as real as possible. We video the interviews and are able to use the feedback to discuss good practice and any legal issues that might arise.
As well as our great Two day Competency based Recruitment and Selection workshop we are now offering a Three day version to allow more practice at defining competencies and giving more actual interview practice.
This programme has in the past only been available to corporate clients but we are now offering it as an open course.
We run with up to 12 delegates and two Tutors, to maximise your learning opportunities. For the two day course the delegate fee is £600+ VAT For the three day course the delegate fee is £750
*Executive Coaching and *Mediation (click to Expand/Collapse)
Executive Coaching
John Kempton and his associates are able to offer exclusive
Executive Coaching as a 1:1 activity. We use a strictly 'non directive'
style to help you 'help yourself'.
Clients have ranged from the Owner/Manager of a small business (getting
bigger) to one off sessions with people going for important meetings
and interviews.
To find out more about Executive coaching and to book
Call : 0044 1372 457134
We have just started our Mediation service. We have started with individuals who have a difference. We use an 'impartial' approach, whilst trying to help the parties resolve the situation for themselves. The Mediator is a process monitor and facilitator.
To find out more about Mediation and to book sessions
Call : 0044 1372 457134